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So, I've always been a fan of Texas...the horses, the ranches, the cowboy hats, and seeing as I'm a part-time cowgirl and all, (ok, the deal with that is that I've had a horse a few different times, most recently a gorgeous Buckskin, half Arabian half Quarter horse named Holly. A total looker who tossed her mane with all sass and frass. She belonged to Daisy, actually, but she became my friend after Daisy left her to me. There's more to that story, perhaps another day.)
Back to Texas. I'm headed there this February to speak at IF: Gathering! Britt and I are speaking together Friday night, the 3rd, and the conference goes through the next day. One of the rad things about IF is that there are local gatherings all over the country, even outside of the country! I encourage you to connect with an IF: Local near you.
Join me and thousands of others in the simplicity of the gospel, learning about the early church, and ask questions of ourselves and our generation like what are we about? Who are we becoming? What would happen if we truly lived out the values of the first believers?
The conference is simulcasted, so you get the opportunity to hear the teachings, worship and stories from Austin, while getting to go deep with sisters in your area. Win, win!
Click here to learn more.