Fancy a Book Club While Quarantined?
Hey friends! This is my dear friend and adventure buddy Allie Marie Smith, founder of Wonderfully Made, a super cool non-profit that exists to help young women to know their worth. Allie asked if I’d like to do a book club with her and her community this month, and I replied with a breathless and overly energetic “yes!” and now I’m inviting YOU, my community! Because you’re cute.
Together we will be going through Here, Now, which is strangely appropriate for the quarantine life;) I mean, come on! We have all found ourselves coming to a screeching halt and wondering what on earth to do about it. Honestly, my heart is for each of us to be able to face our lives head-on no matter the circumstances, which takes courage and the practice of presence, and has big, huge benefits. Please join us as we take some time out to read together, think together, to shift and move into the powerful places God has set before us. I want that for you, I want it for me. Now’s the time!
So, whether you’ve already read it but want to log on and chat about it, or whether you’re like, “wait, you wrote a book?” you are welcome here. If you’re sick to death of people telling you what to do with your quarantine, you’re welcome here. If you read the book and hated it, you’re welcome here (sort of). If you just want more details on the nude beach scene in the book, you’re welcome here. And, if you need a little courage in this weird life, you’re welcome here.
Here’s the 411 in case you’re interested:
It starts April 22nd and goes 4 weeks. The first week kicks off with Allie interviewing me via Zoom, the second and third weeks you will get emails of encouragement that include journaling questions from both me and Allie. And it ends with a fun Virtual Book Club gathering via Zoom, which is super fun for me, since that means I’ll get to see the faces of the people I write for and chat a bit!! I do hope you’ll join us. Come on, just do it!
To sign up (it’s free, BTW) click here, and you’ll get more details from Allie.
As always, please know I appreciate and love you.