Free Stuff and Two Fun Podcasts
Yes, that’s me, the orange-hued person looking off in the distance like I have an inside joke with myself. Somehow, that picture looks normal until it’s in a lineup of normal people! I’m on this cute little graphic with a few friends of mine who I adore, and who also happen to be podcasters. Recently we got together and came up with something super fun—a couple of episodes where we talk about being intentional in summertime with your time, family, your life. We don’t want these glorious months to slip by without enjoying every second, whether we are dreading the lack of structure, figuring out what to do with our kids, or how we are going to not just survive, but slay summer like bosses.
Even more fun, is the fact that we are giving away $600 to Target and some fave items that we love for summer! Since you’re my people, and since nobody hates free stuff, I wanted to give you a chance to win. Click here to enter.
Give the first episode a listen here and get inspired. I hope you win the giveaway since I’m partial to you!